Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Professional Photographers of Canada had big plans to celebrate their 50th Anniversary (1970-2020) along with their Awards Gala in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan April 24 - 27th. Unfortunately, those plans abruptly changed with the growing restrictions due to COVID-19. Instead of canceling the entire convention, it was decided to go ahead with the first (and hopefully last) Virtual Awards Gala that celebrates the successes and achievements of the dedicated service of their members as well as their photography skills. Many thanks to all those involved in producing this event.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
PPOC Gallerie Magazine Winter 2018 hiver
Gallerie on-line version is now available. Please feel free to share the link with friends, family and fellow photographers. Go to the Gallerie Magazine Page for details
La version numérique du magazine est maintenant disponible. Nous espérons que vous apprécierez. S'il vous plaît, n'hésitez pas à partager le lien avec vos amis, familles et collègues photographes. Allez à la page Gallerie Magazine pour plus de détails