Monday, June 15, 2020
Story and Images by Charmaine Toews. I live on a country property with a couple of acres. For the last two years we have had laying hens so we can enjoy the pleasure of gathering our own eggs from our free-range chickens. They sleep in a coop, but during the summer days they wander a huge area of our yard that also has a large natural pond. They are happy chickens, we like to think. Well, when we got a new batch of 20 chicks to increase our number of layers, it only seemed right to photograph them.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Professional Photographers of Canada had big plans to celebrate their 50th Anniversary (1970-2020) along with their Awards Gala in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan April 24 - 27th. Unfortunately, those plans abruptly changed with the growing restrictions due to COVID-19. Instead of canceling the entire convention, it was decided to go ahead with the first (and hopefully last) Virtual Awards Gala that celebrates the successes and achievements of the dedicated service of their members as well as their photography skills. Many thanks to all those involved in producing this event.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Images/Story by Mark Bilash. Looking to add more Creativity to your Photo Sessions? How about building your own Props, to create a special theme? That's exactly what I did for a unique Rosie The Riveter style Pinup theme. You can save money, as well as channel your creativity towards Prop Building.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Story and Images by Cheryl Struss.
The Christmas Season is a time that many families seek out a portrait session, whether it be just of their children or of the whole family. They are celebrating the season and wanting their portrait to look festive. Here are some general tips to assist in making your own sessions successful.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Introducing Gina Yesnik, 2019 PPOC Wedding Photographer of the Year!
For over a decade, award winning wedding and lifestyle photographer Gina Yesnik has produced dynamic, emotive imagery that will be cherished by her clients for generations. Her passion and innovative approach embody the perfect union between art and technical precision. Her style is influenced by her love of fashion, cinema and beauty. Gina’s work has been featured in numerous magazines and print shows across Canada and the US. Gina is a proud member of Professional Photographers of Canada.