PPOC display image
A Paws in the Wilderness - © Lisa Brice CPA

About Image Competition

One of the cornerstones of the Professional Photographers of Canada is the PPOC Annual Image Salon. This juried exhibition showcases the best of the best. Within this Salon Exhibition, you will find the most creative, the newest and most cutting edge, and the finest technically executed images produced by our members.

This inspirational collection of images displays the level of excellence Canadian photographers have achieved. Some of the best photographic talent in the world lives and works in Canada, and enters this PPOC image competition in the hopes of being selected for the Salon Exhibition.

Members of PPOC are invited to submit images annually to a juried exhibition. A group of highly qualified judges, all of whom have obtained their Craftsman of Photographic Arts or Master of Photographic Arts designation, and have been trained as jurors, assemble to review submissions. These jurors have the monumental task of viewing in excess of 800 images, setting aside any personal bias and judging objectively, to determine those images worthy of being accepted into the Salon Exhibition.

From those submitted images deemed worthy of inclusion in the final Salon Exhibition, those which stand above the rest are awarded scores of Merit, and the small number which are deemed to be truly exceptional images are awarded the prestigious score of Excellence. 

We invite you to browse through the many digital galleries in this section of the website to see the remarkable level of image making talent achieved by our own members of PPOC. Enjoy!

The next National Image Competition will be in early 2025.





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