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A Paws in the Wilderness - © Lisa Brice CPA


PPOC is the largest and most recognizable Professional Photography Association in Canada. We are happy you have decided to join us!


Most members start at the non-accredited member level and upgrade to an Accredited membership by earning an Accreditation. Once Accredited, members are able to represent themselves to the public and their clients as an Accredited member of PPOC, have a business page on our national website and may work towards their Craftsman and Masters of Photographic Arts designations. As members move through their careers and want to remain members of the association, we also offer a retired membership option.

Non-Accredited Membership - $385 per year (includes one complimentary accreditation submission, $65 value)
Accredited Membership - $385 per year (only available to members who have been previously Accredited by PPOC)
Retired Membership - $125 per year (only available to existing members who meet the criteria for Retired membership)

Returning Members

If you have been a PPOC member in the past, welcome back! We invite you to use this link to re-activate your original membership and update your contact information. Any previous designations, accreditations, or merits earned during past membership will be re-activated, provided we have a record of them. We invite you to follow up with us via phone or email to verify that our records are in agreement.

Studio Membership

Discounts are available to studios employing multiple photographers. Members joining under a Studio membership must share a company name, address, and website to be eligible. Only those in the Non-Accredited and Accredited membership categories are eligible to be considered for Studio Membership. To determine if you qualify for a Studio membership please call the PPOC Office.

International Membership (Accredited and Non-Accredited)

International members (members who reside outside of Canada) are very welcome to become PPOC members and earn Accreditations. International Accredited members are able to represent themselves to the public and their clients as Accredited members of PPOC, have a business page on our national website, participate in image competitions, and may work towards their Craftsman and Masters of Photographic Arts designations.


Educator memberships are available for photography instructors teaching the art & craft of photography who do not or are no longer also earning income from photography. This membership has the same benefits as non-accredited members.
$111 per year


Any recognized post-secondary professional photography education program is eligible to purchase a school membership. This is a non-voting membership and it includes:

- Use of the PPOC logo stating the school is a member of the PPOC
- Listing on the PPOC website as a member school

Upon application, students registered full-time in the program will receive a complimentary two-year* PPOC student membership. Students will then receive all the benefits of that membership.

Schools will receive PPOC National newsletters (emails) and will also receive their local regional newsletters so they will be aware of events in their region.

$300 per year

* two years from the date of their enrolment in the educational program

If you are interested in more information about our School Membership, please contact our Student Program Chair at studentprogram@ppoc.ca.

Student/Graduate Student members

Student memberships are available for photographers enrolled as full-time students at a recognized educational institution or who graduated from their studies within the previous 24 months and are not yet employed full-time in the photography industry. No member may remain in this category beyond 24 months of graduation. This membership has the same benefits as non-accredited members and many regions have a special category to allow students to enter an image to be judged in their regional competition. In the event a Student or Graduate Student member earns an accreditation, they may upgrade immediately or be invoiced as an Accredited member at their next annual renewal date.
$56 per year

Apply for membership now:

Click here for our online APPLICATION FORM

If you have questions or require assistance, please contact the PPOC Office directly at: info@ppoc.ca 
or by telephone at (888) 643-PPOC (7762) or outside Canada at (519)537-2555

*Annual memberships are for 12 months and may be purchased in a lump sum.
*A monthly subscription plan is available to Accredited and Non-Accredited members at $37.50/month, plus taxes.


Benefits of membership


With over 1000 like-minded photographers across Canada, when you have a problem there is always somebody just a call or click away that can help.

PPOC’s member forums generate hourly conversations on the latest industry trends, techniques and tips. Expand your peer network and benefit from the experiences of your fellow members.


Enjoy preferred member discount pricing on educational events, at the branch, regional and national levels throughout the year. Free live webinars are delivered to your computer screen 10 months of the year. Here you can interact with the presenter and your fellow members in real time. Webinars are recorded and available to watch anytime.

Commercial Partner Programs and Vendor Offers

Member-only benefits include discounts and promotional offers on products and services offered by PPOC’s valued Commercial Partners throughout the year.


PPOC’s website attracts thousands of searches by the public searching for a qualified photographer in their area.

PPOC’s social media pages enjoy many followers and are used to promote members’ imagery daily.

National Image Salon

One of the best ways to improve your photographic skills and push yourself to the next level! Compete among the best and see who will earn the coveted titles of Commercial, Portrait, Photographic Artist, or Wedding Photographer of the Year!* Also, there are many Best of Class Awards to be claimed. These awards are fantastic free publicity for your studio!


As a member of Canada’s largest and most recognized professional photography association, your clients will have the assurance that you adhere to PPOC’s strict code of ethics. They will know that you are dedicated to keeping up with the ever-changing industry trends and techniques, you have a supportive peer network behind you, and your work has met a standard of quality that warrants you the title of Accredited Professional Photographer**

*These benefits ONLY available at the Accredited membership level.
**The title of Accredited Professional Photographer is restricted to qualified members in good standing.




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