Monday, June 3, 2019
PPOC-AT Perspectives show and fundraiser
Our PPOC Atlantic members and friends had a busy weekend in Shediac recently, with the hugely successful Perspectives Show and Fundraiser on Friday, May 31st, followed by the sold-out Spring Seminar on June 1st and 2nd.
Perspectives showcased 13 artists (Berni Wood, Krista Powers, Paula Lirette, Maurice Melanson, David James, Peter Zwicker, Rachelle Bourque, Lisa Anderson Pyke, Remi Levesque, Denise Doiron, Tracy Munson, Paul Girouard, and Sue Fleming) with their interpretations on 18 different themes. Images were shown in a multimedia presentation, including printed displays and slideshows, interspersed with live music and dance performances. The evening was truly an extravaganza and a feast for the senses! Ticket sales and silent auction bids raised in the neighbourhood of $3500 for the Beausejour Family Crisis Centre in Shediac. Well done everyone!
Special thanks to the amazing Perspectives Committee who worked tirelessly over the past year to make it all happen (Paula Lirette, Tracy Munson, Maurice Melanson, Denise Doiron, Rachelle Bourque, Remi Levesque, and Graham Chivers), and to our generous sponsors, Album Epoca, Panasonic, Ivan's Camera, Creative Laminating, Photo Ed Magazine, Harvard Western Insurance, Technicare, and GTA Imaging.
Our Spring Seminar was two days packed with photography, information, friendship, laughter, and even a few tears! Our first speaker, Melissa Landry of Willowtree Productivity, shared an extremely helpful presentation on Working Smarter, Not Harder.
In the afternoon, Lumix Storyteller, Francois Mellet shared his presentation on Mirrorless Cameras and New Technology, then he led the group on a walk through Shediac for a workshop on street photography. I think this was the highlight of the weekend for many participants, huge thanks to Francois and to Panasonic for sponsoring his presentations.
Sunday morning, Paula Lirette inspired us all with her creativity workshop on Thinking Outside the Box. Paula really does have a great talent for helping others unlock and access all the creativity inside them. Once everyone's emotions were right near the surface, that's when Paula and Tracy Munson struck with their presentations on Giving Back Through Photography, and quite a few of the attendees seemed to have something in their eyes at one point or another.
Submitted by Tracy Munson