Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Accidental Entrepreneur - by Jenn Grachow

                                            So, here’s the thing - I wasn’t exactly prepared to be an entrepreneur when I first dove into this whole journey. But, hey, I’ve always been the type to say “yes” first and then figure things out later. And let me tell you, very few photographers are actually ready to take on the entrepreneurial world when they start out. I mean, who knew running a business could be so tough? Sure, you get to take cool photos of people and products and stuff, but it turns out you also need to know a thing or two about accounting, marketing, and networking. And let’s not even get started on the whole mindset work needed to survive in this crazy world.

When I first started my photography business, I thought I had it all figured out. I mean, I was already doing most of the stuff required for being a business owner - or so I thought. Turns out, I was wrong. I had no clue about pricing, networking, or marketing. I pretty much stumbled my way through it all, taking out loans and mixing up my personal and business finances like nobody’s business. Big mistake. Learn from my blunders and keep your personal and business expenses separate. Trust me, it’ll save you a lot of headaches down the road.

As for networking and marketing, well, let’s just say I was clueless. I thought having a studio on a major street with my name on the sign would be enough to bring in clients. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. I had to learn the hard way that networking in the right places and nurturing relationships are key. And marketing? Don’t rely solely on social media, folks. Use technology to your advantage and collect those emails like your business depends on it (because it does).

Now, let’s chat about sales. Knowing your numbers is crucial, my friends. I learned this the hard way when I hit six figures in sales, only to realize most of it was going out the door. Yikes. Don’t undercharge for your services - know your worth and charge accordingly. And remember, quality over quantity. Offer fewer products, deliver fewer images, and keep it simple. Your clients will thank you.

And let’s not forget about mindset. Being an entrepreneur can be both the best and worst job in the world. It’s empowering to be in charge of your own destiny, but it can also be lonely and overwhelming. Establish boundaries, take care of your mental and physical health, and don’t forget to take time for yourself outside of work. Oh, and listen to podcasts that educate and inspire you - trust me, they’re a game-changer.

At the end of the day, being a photographer and an entrepreneur is no walk in the park. But it’s incredibly rewarding. Remember, your photos are valuable. They capture memories, create wealth, and leave a lasting legacy. So, embrace your worth, charge what you deserve, and keep hustling. You got this!


ByJenn Grachow




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