Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Finding Motivation for Photography - submitted by Howard D. Whiting

Photography has always been a hobby of mine, but as life gets busier with work and family, it can be challenging to find the motivation to pick up the camera. If you're like me, a “middle-aged” (60 is the new 50) enthusiast who isn't a full-time photographer, staying inspired can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Here are some tips and ideas to rekindle your passion for photography and get you excited about personal projects.

Rediscover Your Passion with Personal Projects

One of the best ways to get motivated is to start a personal project. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Daily Life Documentation: Capture the essence of your everyday life. From morning routines to family dinners, these moments are rich with storytelling potential.

2. Themed Photography: Choose a theme that interests you, like street art, nature, or architecture. Set a goal to create a series of images that fit this theme.

3. 365-Day Project: Challenge yourself to take one photo every day for a year. This project will push you to see the world in new ways and keep your camera in hand.

4. Seasonal Changes: Document the changes in your local environment through the seasons. This can be a rewarding long-term project that highlights the beauty of nature’s cycles.

Get Out and Take Pictures

Sometimes the hardest part is just getting out the door. Here are a few strategies to help you take that first step:

1. Set Small Goals: Start with something manageable, like taking a walk-in a nearby park with your camera. Small, achievable goals can build momentum.

2. Explore New Locations: Visit local landmarks, parks, or even different parts of your city. New environments can provide fresh inspiration.

3. Join Photography Meetups: Look for local photography groups or meetups. Being around other photographers can be incredibly motivating and provide new perspectives.

4. Take a Workshop or Class: Sometimes learning a new technique or skill can reignite your interest. Look for workshops or online classes that cover topics you’re curious about.

Get Involved with PPOC Events

The Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) is a fantastic resource for staying motivated and connected with the photography community. Here’s how getting involved can help:

1. Competitions: Participating in PPOC competitions can push you to improve your skills and think creatively. The feedback from judges is invaluable for growth.

2. Conferences and Seminars: PPOC hosts events where you can learn from top professionals in the field. These gatherings are also great for networking and finding inspiration.

3. Local Chapter Meetings: Attend meetings of your local PPOC chapter. These meetings often include guest speakers, workshops, and the opportunity to share your work with peers.

4. Mentorship Programs: Connect with experienced photographers through PPOC’s mentorship programs. A mentor can provide guidance, support, and constructive feedback to help you progress.

Final Thoughts

Photography is a journey, and it’s okay to have ebbs and flows in your motivation. The key is to find what excites you and to stay connected with the photography community. Whether it’s starting a new personal project, exploring new locations, or getting involved with PPOC events, there are plenty of ways to reignite your passion for photography. So, grab your camera, get out there, and start capturing the world through your unique lens. We could all use a little shutter therapy.




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